Continuous Integration has never been so easy

DrupalCon Nashville, April 2018

Continuous Integration enables your team to deliver more software, with higher quality, over a longer period of time. A successful CI implementation requires proper management of sprint, product, and financial risk.

What sort of Continuous Integration are we focusing in?

CI tools that we have tried

Tools that we use in jobs

Our findings

  • Choose between CircleCI or Travis CI
  • Travis CI requires more setup than CircleCI, but allows further fine tuning
  • If you prefer to keep everything in-house, use Jenkins or check the behind your firewall versions of CircleCI and Travis CI


Running tests in a shell step

Script used to run tests


  1. Install Jenkins CI in a server
  2. Listen to repository changes with GitHub Pull Request Builder or Generic Webhook Trigger
  3. Set up the job(s)

Pros: free and customisable

Install it, create the jobs, and adapt them to your team's workflow

Pros: lots of documentation and plugins

Pros: temporary testing environments


  • Lot of setup, tweaking, and server maintenance required
  • It's tricky to keep the job implementation under version control

The big con: software is free, time isn't

  • As a self-hosted option, we dive into a real case of the costs of maintaining CI tooling with Jenkins


  • Eight developers
  • 10+ repositories
  • 4 jobs per pull request, 18 minutes total CPU time
  • 8 PRs / day, testing 24 total commits
  • Team runs some tests locally, reducing CI load due to reworked tests

EC2 as a VPS

  • Easiest to understand and setup
  • The server is always there adding to your bills
  • Activity spikes (like the end of a sprint)
  • Autoscaling is a lie
Instance m4.2xlarge
Cores 8
Memory 32GB
Cost $0.40/hr
Monthly $~288
Memory / Job

>=512MB (composer update)


Memory says ~48 jobs, but CPU limits hit first. ~10 in real world use due to other jobs.

Engineering costs

Juampy spent:

  • 116 hours over 15 months
  • Time entries logged with keywords Jenkins, CI, or Continous (no migrations!)
  • Literally hundreds to thousands of dollars per month
  • Doesn't include client team hours which was all of the infrastructure and hosting

Knowledge pool

Your team presumably knows Drupal, JavaScript, programming. You might know Jenkins, but is it your job? What about after the initial setup?

The costs of hosting Jenkins efficiently are directly related to the expertise of your devops staff; you may pay more for a Jenkins expert than the hosting costs of an unoptimized architecture.



Open it at GitHub

              unit_kernel_tests: &unit_kernel_tests
  <<: *defaults
    - checkout
    - *copy_robo
    - restore_cache: *restore_cache
    - run:
        name: Run PHPUnit tests
        command: robo job:run-unit-tests
    - store_test_results:
        path: /var/www/html/artifacts/phpunit
    - store_artifacts:
        path: /var/www/html/artifacts
    - save_cache: *save_cache


  1. Add a .circleci/config.yml file to the repository
  2. Authenticate with your GitHub account at
  3. Allow CircleCI to watch for repository changes

Pros: parallel processing

Via workflows: split a job in several sub-jobs that run in parallel

Pros: docker-compose-style environments

              defaults: &defaults
    - image: juampynr/drupal8ci:latest

    - image: selenium/standalone-chrome-debug:3.7.1-beryllium

    - image: mariadb:10.3

Pros: SSH access to job environments

Pros: Run jobs locally


  • The free service only allows one concurrent job at a time
  • Not as customizable as a Jenkins setup

Pros: Costs

  • ~50 hours from "we have never used Circle" to done
  • Very minimal maintenance - a few hours twice per year for Drupal core upgrades
  • Free to ~250 USD / month, scales with your org

Travis CI


View full file

    - $HOME/.composer/cache/files
  - docker
    - JOB=job:check-coding-standards
    - JOB=job:run-unit-tests
    - JOB=job:run-behat-tests
  - vendor/bin/robo $JOB


  1. Add a .travis.yml file to the repository
  2. Authenticate with your GitHub account at
  3. Allow Travis CI to watch for repository changes

Pros: tons of documentation

On top of the official documentation, there are a lot of private and open source projects that use Travis CI so it's relatively easy to find tutorials and examples.


  • Coverage reports require a third party service like Coveralls
  • Supports Docker but needs extra setup
  • No Command Line Interface to run jobs locally

But at what cost?

"Tests are too hard"
— Many developers, including those on stage
"We don't trust the tests"
— A reasonably skeptical QA lead
"We will spend more time on tests than fixing bugs"
— A project manager with experience
"We need to deliver"
— Every product owner, ever

Evaluating a project for CI

Six months or six years?

Growing business or changing business?

Are you continuously stretching your code base to be larger, or refining and replacing the same code, over and over?

Ease of updates

Can you easily deploy updates, or is software being distributed to far-flung teams?

Environmental Conditions

Where is your code running? One site and environment, or many?

QA Planning

Regression testing is the biggest pain point. Developers as QA can be a great model.


"Tests are too hard"

Tests are tools and APIs that teach you the underlying systems.


"We don't trust the tests"

If you have a dedicated QA team, they need to be completely integrated with development.

Project Managers

"We will spend more time on tests than fixing bugs"

Be tactical about what to test. Trust your developers. Track your hours.

Product Owners

"We need to deliver"

Continuous integration leads to continuous delivery.

Talking Points

…for developers

  1. The testing cycle will be shortened (delivery)
  2. Initial setup for a project ranges from 1 hour to 1 week (sprint risk)

…for QA and PMs

  1. QA can focus on writing new test cases, not testing existing ones (quality)
  2. Our technical project managers will have trustworthy metrics to share (product risk)

…for PMs and Product Owners

  1. Code can be ignored and revitalized (longevity)
  2. The monthly costs are small and flexible (financial risk)

Want more? Check out these links